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The Fair Store Circa 1920s

The Fair Store Circa 1920s

Douglas Daily Dispatch, February 29, 1928 page 5

Transcribed by Jean Walker

With a background of 28 years of successful merchandising by the former owners, Frankenberg Bros. and Newman to which will now be added a quarter of a century of successful operations in Douglas by the new owners, Levy Brothers, the Fair Store at Bisbee will tonight start its new history under the levy Brothers' management. It is planned to make the opening which will take place this evening between 7 and 9 o'clock an occasion commensurate with the importance of the enterprise. It has been delayed for almost two weeks because of the delay in receiving the shipments of the complete new stock which has been place in the store by Levy Brothers but the new management promises that when the business of selling has been started tomorrow, the people will find the store a genuine mecca of all who want bargains in the lines carried. There will be absolutely no goods sold this evening. It will be a pleasant greeting to all with a souvenir and a cordial invitation to renew the acquaintance by the occasional visit at the store on shopping errands.

The Fair Store as now opened will carry every conceivable item of wearing apparel for every member of the family from the infant to the aged. It has all been departmentized and displayed so that shopping will be made easy so far as finding the things desired and the price range will make the finding of the article a satisfaction also.

Arnold White, well known in both Bisbee and Douglas, has been made manager of the Fair Store. Every department head has been retained from the former organization so that former patrons of the Fair Store will enjoy meeting their old time friends in the several lines of goods handled. The stock has been materially increased and there will be found also, some new faces in the store personnel but all have been selected because of their experience and ability to serve the customers satisfactorily.

Departments carried in the Fair Store will be men's shop with everything needed by men in their wearing apparel, boys' department, girls' department, infants' department, luggage department, dry goods department, millinery department, ladies' ready-to-wear department, ladies' furnishings department and ladies' shoe department. In not a single department will there be other than the newest of stocks, all having been ordered following the purchase of the business of the former owners by Levy Brothers and the old stock was all disposed of by the former owners.

Levy Brothers store in Douglas has been a trade center for the shoppers for a quarter of a century and the company is carrying to its Bisbee store the general business policies that have brought patrons and builded a reputation in its Douglas store with the belief that it will not only carry forward the good name already builded by the former owners of the Fair Store, but that it will add a new circle to the already large family of patrons the Fair has enjoyed.

It is expected that there will be many Douglas shoppers drive to Bisbee this evening to call on the new owners at their formal opening.

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