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Cochise County



Yuma Territorial Prison, Arizona


Yuma Territorial Prison first opened its doors to prisoners on July 1,1876 and ceased operations September 15, 1909. Over the thirty-three years it operated, 3,069 prisoners including 29 women served sentences there for everything from murder to poligamy. The records of these convicts are now housed in the Arizona State Archives and digital images are offered by the Archives through Those of you with an account can find the collection here. Those of you who live in Arizona but do not have an Ancestry account can use the link from the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records for free access to the collection.

These records are offered in the umbrella collection of "AZ, Prison Records 1875 - 1929" with the subcategory of "Yuma Prison List of Convicts Register and Descriptive 1884-1900". I have extracted as much of the personal information that was viewable from those individuals convicted from Cochise County. Many pages were not legible. Where there was enough information to collect that was readable but some not I have indicted {unreadable}. Where there was information that I put into the record myself, I have indicated that with [and]. I have kept the spelling as much as possible without it losing clarity. For lack of anywhere else to put it, I've put notations about number of children in remarks. I have included the collection image number of each record for ease of finding it.

I've also indicated how many photos were attached to the record in the remarks section. Many of the photos in the collection are not viewable. A few are. I felt it was important to note them, because these are very early photos of what might be the only ones available to descendants. As such, it might be a worthy effort to try and find the originals that perhaps are in better condition than a microfilmed then digitized record.

Also noteable, the search engine in this web detects names located within a .pdf document such as this, so it is not necessary to page through the entired document to located just one record.

USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material must obtain written consent of the archivist or submitter.

~Jean Walker

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If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email: Jean Walker

Coordinator - Jean Walker

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk

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If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator.

