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1951 Valley Union Year Book

Elfrida, Arizona


Mr. Herbert Gartin

Principal, Spanish,

B.A. University of Arizona

Graduate of U.S. Air Force Flying School,

Graduate Work, University of Arizona

Mrs. Grace N. Burnett

Teacher, Mathematics and Biology

B. S. Illinois Wesleyan University, University of Illinois,

State Teachers College, Silver City, New Mexico

Mr. Don Shock

Teacher, History, Economics, P.E., Social Studies

Athletic Director

Penn. State Teachers College

University of Arizona

Mrs. Belva Ridgeway

Teacher, Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping

B.A. and M.A. Arizona State Teacher’s College at Tempe

Summer and Graduate Work at U.C.L.A. at Los Angles,

School of Commerce at Denver,

A.S.T.C at Flagstaff

Mr. Hubert C. Lohman

Teacher, English

B.A. University of Illinois,

Graduate Work at University of Arizona

Miss Mary Sanaders

Teacher, Homemaking, General Science, P.E.

Phoenix College,

Arizona State Collage at Tempe


Bill Blevins

Pres. Of Class -4

Letterman 1-2-3-4

Ruth Carper

Trans. Patagonia -3

Editor of Annual -4

Secy. Mask and Wig -4

Secy. Class -4

Bruce Naegle

Letterman -1-2-3-4

Rep. Class -3-4

V. Pres. Class - 4

James Marble

V. Pres. Class- 4

Edward Cathcart

Lettman - 1-2-3-4

Outstanding Athlete -3

V. Pres. Student Body -4

Capt. Basketball -3

Capt. Football -4

V. Pres. Camera Club -3

Secy. Lettermen Club -3

Virginia Troglia

Volley Ball -3-4

Rep. Class -2

Annual Staff -4

Cheerleader -4

Pres. Mask and Wig -4

Walter Mortenson

Pres. Lettermen Club -4

Letterman -2-3-4

Secy-Treas. St. Body -4

Glena Gardner


Volley Ball Team-3

Paper Staff-1-2-3-4

Editor Paper-4

Leadership Award-3

Edward Stephenson


Secy. Letterman Club-4

Outstanding Student – 1

Esther McGinty

Secy. Of Student Body-4

V. Pres. Class-3


Walter Black

Trans. Hatch N. Mex. – 4

Pauline Nelson

Rep. Class – 1

Sec. Class – 2-3

Girls State – 3

Jim Amalong

Trans. From Wilcox – 2


Una Fay Cathcart

Class President

Earl McGinty

Vice President

Patsy Peevey

Sec. & Treas.

Peggy Morris


Kay Sheldon

Bobby Russel

Ellen Amalong

Jim Brown

Bob Whitehead

Thelma Nicholson

Carl Franklin


Laura Bell Mitchell


Audrey Steagall

Vice President

Beth Marble

Joe Rameriz

Louise Nelson

Peggy Peevey

J. W. McKean

Ila Mortenson

Junior Hedges


Richard Bradley


David Harrison

Vice President


Glena Mable

Secy. & Treas.

Dean Stephenson


Donald Lamb

Mary Amalong

Roy Lindsay

Edward Gadner

Clifford Taylor

James Kambitsch

Vernette Kambitsch

Eighth Grade

Mary Joyce Nicolson

Jesse Ray Vineyard

Louise Thompson

Lloyd Mortenson

Nick Glasscock

William Stark – President

Jackie Koontz

Flora Von Price

Ruth Grizzle – Vice President

James Bradley

Howard Gardner

Ann Taylor

Varnell Reeves

Janet Lamb

Seventh Grade

Merwyn Thompson – President

Bobbie Leak – Vice President

Bruce Patterson

Leonard Gonzales

John Gonzales

Robert Dunham

Flynn Steagall

Vernon Hawkins

Vada Reeves

James Franklin

Patricia Stewart

Contributed by Wilola Follette and transcribed by Jean Walker

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Coordinator - Jean Walker

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk

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