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Cochise County



Bisbee Directory

Book Title: 1912-1913 Polk's Arizona and New Mexico Pictorial State Gazetteer And Business Directory

County Coordinator's note: This record may be accessed from the Arizona Memory Project, page 91

BISBEE. Pop (Bisbee and surrounding suburbs) 15,000. Cochise county. Altitude 5,300 feet. A prosperous bustling American city with one of the most equable climates of any city in the state, on the E P & S W R R 25 miles s e of Tombstone the county seat and 17 n of the Mexican border line. It is centrally located at the head of Mule Gulch extending into two other canyons, the residence district climbing the surrounding mountain side in terraces resembling more a Swiss Community. Bisbee and its surrounding suburbs within an area of 3 miles comprise the Warren District, which leads all other sections of Arizona in the production of copper and all other districts in the state in mineral production, yet its mining resources have not become fully developed or determined, all this district being connected by an electric street railway. Bisbee has handsome churches of all denominations, a Y M C A with large membership, an academy for girls, fine school buildings with one of the best school systems in Arizona, a country club with club house, tennis courts and golf links; lodges of all the leading secret organizations, the Elks having a home costing $40,000, the Knights of Columbus and Moose also own homes of their own, a public library and reading room, excellent water supply, good sewerage system, gas and electric light plants electric street railway, 3 banks, 5 hotels, 2 theaters, 2 hospitals, fine stores and well stocked shops. The Commercial Club was organized in the spring of 1912 and 3 months later had a membership of 300 and it has already accomplished many important results. A daily newspaper the Review and a weekly the El Latigo are published.

Exp W F & Co.

Tel W U and Postal.

Adam J, tailor.

Adams I C E, cigars.

Ahrlet Win, barber. (Lowell)

Allen C M, furniture.

Allen L R, lands.

ANGIUS J B, THE PURE FOOD Grocer 29 Main. (See p 107.)

Arenalo Michael, pub El Latigo.

ARIZONA INSURANCE AGENCY Thomas A Hughes Mngr, Bank of Bisbee bldg. (See p 109.)

Ball & Bledsoe (J M Ball, F C Bledsoe), drugs.

Ban & Antuniza (Tony Ban, Blass Antuniza), restaurant.

BANK OF BISBEE THE (CAPITAL $50,000, Surplus and Undivided Profits $165,000), W H Brophy Pres, J S Douglas, Vice Pres, M J Cunningham Cashier, J P Connolly Asst Cashier, H W Williams Asst Cashier.

Bank of Lowell (capital $15,000), W H Brophy, pres; H B Hunter, cashr. (Lowell.)

Barnum C K, expman.

Bauer Frank L, meats. (Lowell)

Beeler N D, shoemkr.

Belew & Sullivan (J E Belew, J K Sullivan), pool.

Bell G V, barber.

Bennett C A, hardware.

BISBEE AUTO COMPANY, BOWEN & Hubbard Proprs, Main.

BISBEE BILL POSTING CO, Robert Hennessy Mngr, opp Depot. (See p 111.)

Bisbee Cigar Mnfg Co, (J W Kinney).

Bisbee Coalition Mining Co (Inc), R J Clark, sec and treas.

Bisbee Daily Review, State Consolidated Publishing Co (Inc), pubs.

Bisbee Drug Co (Inc), Benj D Cooley mngr.

Bisbee Drug Co (Inc), Oscar Doyle mngr. (Lowell)

Bisbee Extension Mining Co (Inc), Geo W Long supt.

BISBEE FUEL & FEED CO, August Johnson, Mngr, Wholesale and Retail Coal and Wood, Hay, Grain, and Chicken Feed, Yards: Slag-Dump, Office, Medigovich bldg. (See p 106.)

Bisbee Improvement Co, Walter Douglas, pres; S W French, sec and treas.

BISBEE LUMBER CO (INC), James Wood, Pres; E Marks, Sec and Mngr; N Zenovich, Treas; Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Building Material, Yards at Lowell. (See p 205.)

Bisbee Meat Co (Inc), Jno Treu, mngr.

BISBEE MUSIC STORE, W MUIR Propr, Pianos, Talking Machines, Cigars, Stationery, Sheet Music, Etc, 45 Main. (See p 111.)

BISBEE PRINTING COMPANY, (J J Ryan W J O'Malley), The Only Exclusive Job Printing Office in Cochise County, 7 Allen blk. (See P 114.)

BISBEE REALTY & INSURANCE Co, L J Overlock, Pres; Real Estate and Insurance Muheim bldg.

Bisbee Trading Co, S L Vukovich mngr, saloon.

Blair Thos, ins agt.

Bledsoe N C, phys.

Blunt & Blunt (Howard and Beverly), clothes clnrs.


BORREGO AUGUST F (Borrego Bros). (See p 117.)

BORREGO BROS (AUGUST F AND Ralph), Proprs Guarantee Shoe & Leather Co and Guarantee Tailors Main. (See p 117.)

BORREGO RALPH (BORREGO Bros). (See p 117.)

Boston & Brown Co, L A Brown mngr, saloon.

BOWEN & HUBBARD (J J BOWEN, W G Hubbard), Proprs Palace Livery & Undertaking Co and Bisbee Auto Co, Main.

Bradbury Jos, blksmith.

Branson G O, furniture. (Lowell)

Bridge G A, phys.

Brill Jos, grocer.

Brojovich & Pupich (L Brojovich, C Pupich), saloon.

Brooks-Cooper Furniture Co (J L Brooks, H E Cooper, Danl McKenzie).

Brophy Carriage Co (Inc), J E Brophy, pres. (Lowell)

Brown Louis, clothing.

Brown M J, lawyer.

Brown Raymond, clothes clnr.

Brown & Robinson (J J Brown, W A Robinson), saloon.

Brown & Thornrose (LA Brown, C R Thornrose), saloon.

Business Men's Protective Assn, S C Dodds, pres; C W Ruth, sec and treas; collections.

BUSY BEE CAFE, JOHN B HART Propr, Main, also Lowell Ariz. (See p 116.)

BUXTON G E, PRES AND TREAS Buxton-Smith Co. (See p 105.)

BUXTON-SMITH CO, G E BUXTON, Pres and Treas; B L Smith, Sec; A R Griffith, Mngr; Wholesale Fruits and Produce Brewery av. (See p 105.)

C & A Machine Shop, W E McKee, supt. (Lowell)

Calumet & Arizona Emergency Hospital, N C Bledsoe chf surgeon.

Cananea Northern Development Co, A T Sowle, pres; R B Krebs, sec; mining.

Caretto B, saloon.

CARSON A W, PROPR IRWIN Studio, Photographs and Commercial Photographer Schmid bldg Brewery av. (See p 114.)

Castle Rock Hotel, Mrs J J Muirhead propr.

Central Pharmacy (Inc), C L Edmunuson, pres; W R Banks, sec and treas.

Chaffin W R, saloon.

Citizens Bank & Trust Co (Inc) (capital $100,000) W E McKee, pres; C A McDonald cashr.

CITY BLACKSMITH SHOP THE J C McIntosh Propr, Blacksmith, Horseshoeing, General Repairing and Painting Naco rd. (See p 104.)

Clarkson H W, harness.

Clausen Carl, mining eng.

Cleary Wm B, lawyer.

Cochise Building & Loan Assn (Inc), Gerald Sherman, pres; M J Cunningham, sec.

Cochise Copper Co (Inc), L C Shattuck, pres; T O McGrath, sec.

Cochise Lumber Co (Inc), W C Read mngr.

Cochise Motor Co, R E Powell mngr.

Cochrane Lee, sewing machines.

Cohen M D, phys.

Cohen & Wilbern (Silas Cohn, H Wilbern), pawnbrokers.

COLE AUTOMOBILE, J R Henderson Southern Arizona Sales Agent, Brewery av. (See left bottom lines and p 111.)

Copper Queen Emergency Hospital, Dr F E Shine supt.

Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co, S W French gen mngr.

Coughran Robt, barber.

COPPER QUEEN HOTEL, HENRY Poppen Mngr, Howell av. (See p 108.)

COPPER QUEEN LIBRARY AND Reading Room, Mrs C H Vail Librarian; C H Vail Supt Reading Room.

Craig & Light (Geo D Craig, G P Light), dentists.

CRAWFORD HARRY G, PROPR O K Repair Shop, All Kinds of Light Repairing, O K. (See p 115.)

Cunningham Chas, propr Philadelphia Hotel.

Dabovich Saml J, saloon.

DAVIS BROTHERS (JOHN AND Phil A) Plumbers and Tinsmiths Naco rd. (See p 112.)

DAVIS E S, GEN SEC Y M C A, School Hill.

Dawson Martha, laundry.

Den-Arizona Copper Co (Inc), L C Shattuck mngr.

Diaz Juan, barber.

Domancich & Hatfield, (V Domancich H Hatfield), saloon.

Dorr F B, lawyer.

Downs Jos P, barber.

Downs M L, phys.

Duncan Mrs A L, restaurant.

Dunn Geo, saloon.

EASTER SUNDAY GOLD MINING & Milling Co, L J Overlook, Pres; I W Wallace, Sec; Allen bldg.

EDWARDS W N, REAL ESTATE, Insurance, Mines and Mining Muheim bldg Brewery av. (See p 115.)

Ellinwood & Ross (E E Ellinwood J M Ross), lawyers.

Empire State Mining Co (Inc), J C Collins mngr.

EVANS W D, SEC-TBEAS W E Harrison Co. (See p 118.)

Faust B F, saloon. (Lowell)

Ferguson R, phys.


Fitzimmons & Jennings (Thos Fitzimmons, Harry Jennings), saloon. (Lowell)

Flanigan Edw J, lawyer.

Forrester T F, barber.

Frankenberg Bros & Newman, (Saml and Benj Frankenberg, M Newman), dept store.

Gallagher & Moore (D J Gallagher, Jno Moore), saloon. (Lowell)

Gherna Ralph, baker.

GILMAN L L, JEWELER AND Optometrist Main. (See adv under Jewelers).

Giulox Ernest, barber.

GOLDEN THE, MRS M PURTELL Propr, Furnished Rooms Main (See p 124.)

Golding W A, saloon.

Gonzales L C, dentist.

Greer & Miller (Mrs D L Greer, Mrs C A Miller), restaurant.

GRIFFITH A R, MNGR Buxton-Smith Co. (See p 105.)

GUARANTEE SHOE & LEATHER Co, Borrego Bros Proprs, Main. (See p 117.)

GUARANTEE TAILORS, BORREGO Bros Proprs, Main. (See p 117.)

HAIGLER GUS, REAL ESTATE Loans and Fire Insurance, Notary Public OK bldg. (See left side lines and p 115.)

Hankin W E, dentist.

Hankins Win, restaurant.

Harney J D, saloon (Lowell).

Harris Furniture Co, (W M Harris).

HARRISON W E CO (INC), August Johnson, Pres; E A Tovrea, Vice Pres; W D Evans, Sec-Treas; Wholesale Liquors, Soda Water Manufacturers and Agts Pabst Brewing Co Brewery av. (See p 118.)

HART JOHN B PROPR BUSY BEE Cafe, Main also Lowell, Ariz. (See p 116.)

Hawley Chas F, phys.

Hayden N L, furniture. (Lowell)

HENDERSON J R (HENDERSON-Watkins Lumber Co), Southern Arizona Sales Agt Cole Automobile Brewery av. (See left bottom lines and p 111.)

HENDERSON-WATKINS LUMBER Co (J R Henderson, E A Watkins), Building Material, Lime, Cement, Builders' Hardware, Plate and Window Glass, Etc Brewery av. (See left bottom lines and p 111.)

Hendrickson Otto, gen store. (Lowell)

HENKEL CLAUDE M, Jeweler and Optometrist Main. (See p 110.)

HENNESSY ROBERT, Propr O K Livery & Undertaking Co and Mngr Bisbee Bill Posting Co opp Depot. (See p 111.)

Herendeen R E, phys.

Hickey Gust, grocer.

Hillman H S, pool.

Hogan Mrs B, restaurant.

Hogan & Seed (Jno W Hogan, Danl B Seed), real est.

Hotel Royal, Mrs Newton Trenham propr.

HUGHES THOMAS A, Mngr Arizona Insurance Agency Bank of Bisbee bldg. (See p 109.)

Hunt C H, phys.

IRWIN STUDIO, A W Carson Propr, Photographs and Commercial Photographer Schmid bldg Brewery av. (See p 114.)

Itule C N, pool.

Jack J H, automobiles (Lowell).

Jacobs H M, ins agt.

Jiminez Fernando A, barber.

John Mark P, jeweler (Lowell).

JOHNSON AUGUST, PRES W E Harrison Co (Inc), Propr Bisbee Fuel & Feed Co, Propr Bonanza Bar. (See pp 106 and 118.)

Johnson Bros (Frank and Oscar), saloon.

Johnson Fred, saloon.

Johnson Grocery Co (J M Johnson), (Lowell).

Johnson Hotel, Mrs Peter Johnson propr.

Johnson Oscar, saloon.

Johnson Peter, meats.

Johnson & Carlson (Otto Johnson, A R Carlson), saloon.

Johnson & Krogh (Fred Johnson, Gilbert Krogh), saloon (Lowell).

JONES F L, TURKISH AND Russian Baths, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Manicuring, Massage, Shattuck bldg Brewery av. (See p 104.)

Joseph Abraham, conf.

Jovanovich Lee, grocer.

Jovanovich Saml, conf (Lowell).

Keast Jos, teas.

King Edw, restaurant.

Kinney J W, cigar mnfr.

Kirke Hazel, milliner.

Kling Jno, saloon (Lowell).

Koach Mark, conf.

Kohler R E, mining impts.

Kregbaum J C, expman.

Lane C E, laundry.

LANG F W (LANG & SEIDEL), (See p 106.)

LANG & SEIDEL (F W LANG, E L Seidel), New and Second Hand Furniture and Crockery, Fair Hall bldg, Subway. (See p 106.)

Latigo El, Michael Arenalo pub, Spanish weekly.

Lenord Piano & Music Co, G L Lenord mngr.

Leonard J M, phys.

Leroy A, shoes.

Lippert J F, barber.

Livingston & Bretherton (J H Livingston, R A Bretherton), saloon.

LORETTO ACADEMY, CONDUCTED by the Sisters of Loretto, A Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, Upper Main. (See p 103.)

Louko Jno, saloon (Lowell).

LOWELL DRUG CO (INC), J E Brophy, Pres; F W Ritter, Sec, Treas and Mngr; Drugs, Seeds, Kodaks and Supplies, Circulating Library Main, Lowell. (See p 118.)

Lutley A E, blksmith.

McDonald Mrs W G, manicure.

MCGREGOR JACK, Agt N Y LIFE Ins Co, 3 Bank of Bisbee bldg, Box 389.

McINTOSH JOHN C, PROPR THE City Blacksmith Shop, Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon Maker Naco rd. (See p 104.)

McNeish J S, civ eng.

MacDonald Mrs D, milliner.

MacLaughlin Glenn, expman.

MAINLAND-WOOTTON CO (H E Wootton), Plumbers, Sheet Metal Works, Roofers and Agts Oliver Typewriters and Supplies Jack bldg Subway. (See p 112.)

MARKS EMIL, SEC AND MNGR Bisbee Lumber Co (Inc).

Mason E B Co (Inc), Jas Brophy mngr, carriage and wagon mnfrs (Lowell).

Mason R H, meats.

Matcall Geo, saloon (Lowell).

Medigovich V G, grocer.

Metz Theo F, soft drinks.

Miner L L, phys.

Miners & Merchants Bank (capital $50,000), L C Shattuck, pres; P M Buckwalter, cashr.

Molinar & Caretto (Frank Molinar, P Caretto), saloon.

Morrison Jos E, U S attorney.

Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co The (Inc), H D McVay dist mngr.

Muheim J M & Co, J M Muheim mngr, saloon.

MUIR W, PROPR BISBEE MUSIC Store, Pianos, Talking Machines, Cigars, Stationery, Sheet Music, Etc 45 Main. (See p 111.)

Muirhead Mrs J J, propr Castle Rock Hotel.

Murray Alex, lawyer.

Naco Water Co (Inc), J F Jacquemin supt.

Neale Geo H, lawyer.

NEW YORK LIFE INS CO, JACK McGregor Agt, 3 Bank of Bisbee bldg.

Newberry & Berry (G H Newberry, Geo D Berry), barbers.

Nichols Jas, saloon.

Nicholson Frank, photogr.

Nolan W D, shoemkr.

O K LIVERY & UNDERTAKING CO, Robert Hennessy Propr, opp Depot. (See p 111.)

O K REPAIR SHOP, HARRY G Crawford Propr, All Kinds of Light Repairing, O K. (See p 115.)

O'Connell J M, lawyer.

O'MALLEY W J (BISBEE Printing Co), 7 Allen blk. (See p 114.)

O'Neill Nora, restaurant (Lowell).

Orient Realty & Trading Co (Inc), W W Whaley, pres; A E Downs, sec and treas; whol liquors.

Orpheum Theatre, C J Alden mngr.

OVERLOOK LEMUEL J, BROKER, Special Attention Given Copper Stocks, Muheim bldg Brewery av. (See adv.)

Owen & Davenport (R O Owen, F S Davenport), clothes cleaners.

PABST BREWING CO, W E Harrison Co (Inc) Agts, Brewery av. (See p 118.)

PALACE LIVERY & Undertaking Co, Bowen & Hubbard Proprs, Livery, Undertaking and Transfer Main.

Parsons H D, barber.

PEERLESS POULTRY YARD, GEO F Wade Propr, Wood Canyon. (See p 113.)

Pendergraft W L, barber (Lowell).

PERLEY BRUCE, INSURANCE—Everything but Life 32 Main. (See p 109.)

Phelps-Dodge Mercantile Co (Inc), M J Brophy mngr, dept store.

Phelps-Dodge Mercantile Co (Inc), A T Sowle mngr, gen store (Lowell).

Philadelphia Hotel, Chas Cunningham propr.

Pillow J R, baker.

Pitts Royalty Co (Inc), I W Wallace vice pres, patent solrs.

POPPEN HENRY, MNGR COPPER Queen Hotel Howell av. (See p 108.)

Pritchard J G, broker (Lowell).

PURTELL MRS M, PROPR THE Golden Main. (See adv.)

Raich Co, Michael Raich mngr, restaurant.

Reese H A, phys.

Riley Katherine, private school.

Robinson Wm, saloon.

Rollins J L, barber.

Rosenstein L, pawnbroker.

Rosenthal M, clothing (Lowell).

Ross Jno W, lawyer.

Rossi D P, saloon.

RYAN J J (BISBEE PRINTING CO), 7 Allen blk. (See p 114.)

Saarinen E, restaurant.

Sabo Michael, baker.

Sainila Abraham, saloon.

Sasse Robt, conf.

Schmalzel & Porobich (Michael Schmalzel, Bozo Porobich), saloon (Lowell).

SCHMID BUILDING, JAKOB Schmid Propr, Brewery av.

SCHMID JAKOB, PROPR STAR Theatre, Schmid Block Brewery av. (See p 117.)

Schwartz Bros Co, L C Shattuck, pres; Jos Muheim, sec and treas; clothing.

Schwartz Bros Co (Inc), W A Schwartz mngr, clothing.

Scott Mrs C E, laundry (Lowell).

SEIDEL E L (LANG & SEIDEL). (See p 106.)

Selig Louis, saloon (Lowell).

Sena Louis G, gen store.

Shattuck-Arizona Copper Co (Inc), Thos Bardon, pres; A M Chisholm, sec.

Shattuck L C, saloon.

Shine F E, phys.

Simpson Duke, shoemkr (Lowell).

Sims W P, dentist.

Slautz Math, saloon (Lowell).


Smith Hoval A, mining eng.

Smith Jno M, carpet clnr.

Smith & Ziesemer (F W Smith, R A Ziesemer), mining engs.

Spicer & Pinkney (Chas N Spicer, Jno Pinkney), saloon.

Standard Oil Co, J J Sparks dist mngr.

STAR THEATRE, JAKOB SCHMID Propr, Moving Pictures, Popular Prices, Schmid blk Brewery av. (See p 117.)

State Consolidated Publishing Co (Inc), E R Ladd gen mngr, pubs Bisbee Daily Review.

STATE MUTUAL BUILDING & Loan Association of California, T A Hughes Agt, Bank of Bisbee bldg.

Sugich Lee, saloon.

Supancick J J, saloon (Lowell).

Swanson Jno A, grocer.

TAYLOR JAMES A, PHOTOGRAPHS and Commercial Photographer cor Brewery av and Broadway. (See P 114.)

Taylor Jared D, lawyer.

Thurston Mrs E, restaurant.

Toland Jesse T, saloon (Lowell).

Tovrea E A & Co (Inc), E A Tovrea mngr, meats.

Trenham Mrs Newton, propr Hotel Royal.

Trotman Chas E, restaurant (Lowell).

Twomey Jno, saloon.

UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND Guaranty Co, T A Hughes Gen Agt, Bank of Bisbee bldg.

VAIL MRS C H, LIBRARIAN Copper Queen Library and Reading Room.

Vercellino Targus, grocer.

Verfuth J H, fuel.

Vucovich & Perry (Jerry Vucovich, Jno Perry), saloon.

Vukasovich Chris, grocer.

WADE GEO F, PROPR PEERLESS Poultry Yard, Wood Canyon. (See p 113.)

Wagner Saml, feed (Lowell).

Walker Chas P, agt W P & Co Express.

Wallace E B, cigars.

WALLACE I W, REAL ESTATE and Mines Allen bldg. (See p 116.)

Warhop T E, baker.

WARREN DISTRICT COMMERCIAL Club, H D McVay, Pres; P L Woodman, Vice Pres; Oscar Doyle, Treas; J H Gray, Sec.

Warren Laundry Co ( Inc), V M Johnson, pres; W P Grubb, sec and treas.

Warren Ranch Co (Inc), Hoval A Smith, pres; H J Adams, sec; dairy.

Wartenberg Matt, meats.

WASHBURN B H, CONTRACTING Painter, Decorator, Paints and Wall Paper 50 Brewery av. (See p 113.)

Waters Alex, shoemkr.

Waters Henry, shoemkr.

WATKINS E A (HENDERSON-Watkins Lumber Co).

Watkins T, phys.

Welbourn & Dodds (J M Welbourn, S C Dodds), grocers.

Whaley Scott & Co, Scott Whaley mngr, saloon (Lowell).

White J C, cigars.

Whitehead Thos, restaurant.

Wildman Geo C, lumber.

Wildman Mrs S C, milliner.

Wiles & Greeley (C H Wiles, T G Greeley), barbers (Lowell).

Williams P L, agt E P & S W R R.

Williams Fred R, phys.

Williams Star K, lawyer.

Williams & Buchanan (P C Williams, E G Buchanan), clothes cleaners.

Wilson Alb, saloon (Lowell).

Wilson Mrs C, laundry (Lowell).

Wittig Edw A, barber.

Wolverine & Arizona Mining Co (Inc), W H Roberts Jr supt.

Wood J W, hardware.


WOOTTON H E (MAINLAND-Wootton Co) Jack bldg Subway. (See p 112.)

Yalovica Martin, pool.

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSN, C F Philbrook, Pres; H C Henrie, Rec Sec; E S Davis, Gen Sec; School Hill.


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Coordinator - Jean Walker

State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk

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