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Cochise County



John Wohlschlegel

Submitted by Elizabeth Burns, Aug 2002

Arizona, the Youngest State, 1913


John Wohlschlegel, who has been engaged in the grocery and confectionery business in Bisbee for more than twelve years, is a native of Texas, his birth having occurred at Seguin, January 27, 1870. He is a son of John F. and Catherine Wohlschlegel, natives of Germany whence they emigrated to America in early life and were married in Texas. They still reside in that state where the father is connected with the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church and also teaches school.

Reared in the parental home, John Wohlschlegel obtained his education in the public schools of his native state. He early became self-supporting and for a time operated a stock ranch in Texas where he resided until 1903. In that year he removed to Arizona with his family and located at Bisbee in June 1903. Soon after his arrival he turned his attention to commercial pursuits and established a grocery and confectionery store which he has since conducted with a good measure of success. He has a well stocked and attractive store and is enjoying a good trade.

In Texas in 1893 Mr. Wohischlegel was married to Miss Anna Heyen who was born in that state in 1870 and is the eldest of the nine living children of Henry and Catherine Heyen. Her parents are still living and make their home in Texas. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Wohlschlegel there have been born six children: Linnie, who was born in 1894 and is the wife of J.F. Holman of Bisbee; Jessie who was born in 1896 and married John Peccolo of Bisbee; Elizabeth who was born in 1898 and is residing at home; George F. who died at the age of four and a half years; Rosa whose death occurred when she was nineteen months old and Josie who was born in 1906.

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