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Cochise County



Francis Eppes Shine

Who's Who in Arizona, Vol. 1, 1913 page 182

Transcribed by Jean Walker, June 2024

FRANCIS EPPES SHINE, Surgeon, head of the Copper Queen medical Corps and Chief Surgeon of the El Paso & Southwestern Railroad System, was born in St. Augustine, Fla., in January, 1871. He is the son of William Francis and Maria Jefferson Eppes Shine, and great-great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson. Dr. Shine was graduated from the University of Virginia in 1895, and from the New York Hospital in 1899. He was Instructor and chief of Clinic of the Medical Department of Cornell University, New York, 1901-1903. Under his jurisdiction the Copper Queen Hospital, at Bisbee, has become one of the finest in the state. Dr. Shine is recognized not only for his professional ability, which is unexcelled, but also for the political influence which he wields. He has been an important factor in the progressive Democracy of the state for some time, and during the past summer his strength in this line was shown by his election as delegate to the National Convention at Baltimore. Dr. Shine is a member of the Arizona Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution and a member of the present Board of State Medical Examiners, to which he was appointed by Governor Hunt. He was married in August, 1904, to Miss Anne Barker, and they make their home at Warren. They have an interesting family consisting of Francis Eppes, Jr., Randolph Eppes and Elizabeth Eppes.

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State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk

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