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Cochise County



William E. Kuchenbecker

Submitted by Elizabeth Burns, Aug 2002

Arizona, The Youngest State, 1913, pg 286

William F. Kuchenbecker, mayor of Tombstone and general merchant was born in Germany in 1850 and is one of a family of eight children, only who of whom beside himself survive: Charles F., who is engaged in the transfer business in Gallup New Mexico; and Dr. August Kuchenbecker, a physician in Germany.

William F. Kuchenbecker acquired a limited education in the public schools of his native country and when he was fifteen years of age came to America, settling first at Cairo, Illinois where he followed various occupations until he enlisted in the United States Army. He was sent to the western frontier against the Indians and served for five years throughout New Mexico and Arizona. After he obtained his discharge he remained in New Mexico where he worked first in a post trading store for four years and then went to Gallup where he engaged in general merchandising until 1907, going in that year to Los Angeles. After a short time he removed to Tombstone, buying out a general merchandise stock there and establishing himself in business.

Mr. Kuchenbecker married in 1881 in New Mexico to Miss Angelina Young, a native of Gallatin Missouri. The father of Mrs. Kuchenbecker was a native of Virginia and her mother of Kentucky. Both are deceased. Mrs. Kuchenbecker passed away in Los Angeles December 5, 1895. She was the mother of two children: Minnie, who died in infancy and Louis Frederick who was born in Gallup New Mexico July 5, 1885. He is associated with his father in the general merchandise business in Tombstone. He married Miss Sadie E. Cowan, a native of Tombstone and a daughter of Thomas Cowan of that city. They have one son, William Thomas. On October 29, 1913 Mr. Kuchenbecker married Miss Alice Feeney a native of Muskegon Michigan.

For three years, Mr. Kuchenbecker was mayor of Gallup New Mexico and for two terms served in the New Mexico territorial legislature. He was elected mayor of Tombstone in 1912 and reelected in 1914.

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