Arizona, The Youngest State, 1913
Antony Hoffman is one of the pioneer businessmen of Douglas, where he has owned and operated a bakery for fourteen years. He was born in Germany in 1866 and is the youngest child in a family of eight, all of whom are living, and with the exception of himself, reside in the fatherland, where the parents passed away.
Upon the completion of his education which was acquired in the common schools of his native land, Antony Hoffman apprenticed himself to the baker's trade, which he later followed in England. In 1889 he emigrated to the United States, believing that he would find better opportunities for business advancement in this country. For a time he followed his trade in New York City but later went to Chicago, where he obtained a position as pastry cook with the Santa Fe Railroad at Deming New Mexico. He continued in their employ for two years when he established a bakery of his own at Deming which he operated for seven years. In 1901 he removed to Douglas Arizona and opened the bakery he is still conducting. He owns the property where his business is located and has a third interest in three hundred and eighty acres of land located nine miles from Douglas.
At Deming New Mexico in 1898 Mr. Hoffman was married to Miss Theresa Schafer, a native of San Francisco and a daughter of George and Ermine Schafer who still reside in that city. Of this marriage they have been born two children: Walter, who was born in 1899 and is now attending high school and Mary, born on the 4th of April, 1905.
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