Contributed by Elizabeth Burns, August 2002
Arizona, The Youngest State, 1913
James Harper has resided here since 1880 and has been actively identified with many representative industries, mining, prospecting and cattle raising in different sections. He came as a pioneer to Pearce before the town site was surveyed and is now successfully engaged in buying, selling and raising cattle and in general farming. He is a native of Scotland, born in 1854 and he came to America with his three brothers and his sister, joining his father, who had come to Pennsylvania some time before. He was a miner by occupation and followed that work until his death. The mother has also passed away.
James Harper acquired his education in the public schools of Pennsylvania and remained in that state until 1880 when he came as a pioneer to Arizona working at various occupations for some time and finally becoming connected with mining. He went first to Tombstone and then to the Chiricahui Mountains, mining and prospecting. After six months there he prospected through the entire mining district of Arizona, becoming familiar with frontier life in all of its phases but meeting with indifferent success. He came to Pearce in 1898 before the first house had been built upon the town site and here established himself in the cattle business. He owns one hundred and sixty acres of land and upon it is raising high grade cattle which he sells in the local markets where they command a high price and a ready sale. Mr. Harper also buys and sells cattle on an extensive scale and is known as one of the most successful dealers in the area.
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