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Cochise County



John P. Cull

Submitted by Elizabeth Burns, Aug 2002

Arizona, the Youngest State, page 15

John P. Cull is one of the prosperous representatives of commercial interests in Douglas and Courtland where for eight years he has owned and operated general mercantile stores. He was born in California in 1873, the son of S.T. and Minerva Cull, to whom there were born eleven children, eight still living, our subject being the sixth in the order of birth.

The early years of John P. Cull were passed in his native state, where he acquired a common school education and subsequently devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits. In 1897 he came to Arizona, first locating in Wilcox, whence he later removed to Bisbee and there he engaged in general merchandising with a Mr. Anderson, under the firm name of Anderson & Cull. For six years he gave his undivided attention to the development of the business in which he met with a good measure of success. In January 1908, he disposed of his interest in the establishment and removed to Courtland, where he purchased a half block of land in the business district and erected thereon five store rooms and a hotel and similar concerns in the town, but as he carries a large and well assorted stock, is reasonable in his prices and is most considerate of his customers, he enjoys a large patronage, his being one of the thriving commercial enterprises of that vicinity.

He is a stockholder in the Miners and Merchants Bank of Bisbee and has other financial interests in that city. In 1914 Mr. Cull established his present grocery store in Douglas, which is one of the leading establishments of its kind there and he carries a full and select line of groceries. He now makes his home in Douglas.

In 1904 Mr. Cull was married to Miss Minnie Henninger, a native of Kansas, who was reared in California, where she removed with her parents in early childhood. The family later settled in Bisbee in which city her parents still reside, the father owning and operating a cigar factory there.

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