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Cochise County




Bisbee Daily Review, Jan 8, 1909

Transcribed by Jean Walker, June 2024

Appointments, Fixtures and Stock will be Of the Best Material Obtainable, and Modern In Design.

The firm of Frankenburg Brothers & Newman began yesterday the building of their new brick business block which will materially add to the looks of Main street. This will be one of the fine buildings of this city, and will cost in the neighborhood of $40,000 when completed and furnished throughout. it is expected that the building will be completed by the 15th of April, which will give the firm two weeks to get in shape to open for the trade by May 1.

The building will be three stories with basement. The dimensions of the floor will be 37x65 feet, giving ample floor space. The structure will adjoin the Johnson-Henniger building on the west, having a party wall of the later. The building will be erected of the best brick obtainable and will be one of the prettiest erected on Main street.

The large plate glass which will be placed in the front of the first two stories will give the store a fine lighting effect, making it one of the brightest and most cheerful in the city. There will be a gallery built at the rear of the first floor where the main offices of the store will be located. There will be wrapping centers on all the floors, and a large freight elevator will be placed in the rear of the store. There will be several other modern conveniences which will be of great advantage to the customers as well as to the management.

One of the conveniences which will be of interest to the lady patrons of the Fair will be a large and commodious waiting room. This will be provided with large easy chairs, a telephone, good light, writing paper and everything which the ladies require.

The fixtures which will be installed will be the best obtainable and right down to date. M. Newman, who leaves for the east in a day or so, will make a careful examination of the latest office and store fixtures which will be purchased and hurried right back from the east. The bridge which was built at the rear of the store will be run to the new store building where sewing rooms will be arranged.

Messrs. M. Newman, Ben Frankenburg and E. J. Gainsley of the dry goods department will leave for the east where they will buy an extensive consignment of spring and summer goods which will be here by the time the new store opens, May 1.

"We will open up in our new store building wholly to the satisfaction of our patrons as well as to ourselves. Everything will be up to date, and everything to accommodate our customers will be in stock. We look for the present year to be an active one in business affairs and we will be prepared to take advantage of it," said a member of the firm yesterday.

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State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola

Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk

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