Book Title: 1912-1913 Polk's Arizona & New Mexico Pictorial State Gazetteer and Buisiness Directory.
County Coordinator's note: This record may be accessed from the Arizona Memory Project, page 114
DOUGLAS. Pop 12,000. Cochise county. In the s e portion of the state on the border line between the U S and Mexico being a port of entry for Mexican trade, on the E P & S W R R 40 miles s e of Tombstone the county seat. Has Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal and Methodist churches, 3 banks, several hotels, a library, 2 opera houses, 2 hospitals, a brick yard, an ice plant, 2 smelters and another one contemplated, water, sewer, electric light and street car systems, broad level streets, beautiful parks, miles of cement side-walks with parkways, oiled streets and highways. Beautiful mountain resorts are tributary. Two hundred thousand acres of choice lands with plenty of pure soft water for domestic and irrigation purposes that can be economically pumped to the surface for irrigation are tributary to Douglas. Government land can be homesteaded. This land is suitable for the raising of fruit, alfalfa, beans, etc. Douglas is only 10 years old and is the fastest growing city in Arizona. Many good business openings are here. Two daily newspapers the Dispatch and International and one weekly the Industrial are published.
Exp W F & Co.
Tel W U and Postal.
F E Cadwell P M.
Adamson Edw W, phys First Natl Bk bldg.
Aguirre Manuel, grocer 762 15th.
Airdome Theater, Jasper Leggett propr 10th cor F av.
ALEXANDER JOHN G, PRES Nacozari Consolidated Copper Co.
Ames B J, mining.
Ames Jno A, cigars 1017 G av.
Anderson Jas, automobile repr 350 9th.
APPLEWHITE SAMUEL P, SEC Douglas Traction & Light Co. and Douglas Investment co.
Arizona Bank & Trust Co, F M Doan, pres; Jno Doan, cashr; 1029 G av.
Arizona Drug Co, H E Bailey, pres; E L Bailey, sec and treas; 1039 G av.
Arizona Gypsum Plaster Co, Wm M Adamson, pres; w of E P & S W frt depot.
Arizona Meat Co, F I Krentz, pres; J G Krentz, sec and treas; 1009 G av.
Arizona Realty Corporation, A Y Wright, sec; First Natl Bk bldg.
Arizona & Mexico Realty Co, A Y Wright, sec; First Natl Bk bldg.
Armstrong Jas J P, phys Meguire bldg.
Aronwald Wolf, clothing 811 G av.
Arthur R W Co (Robt W Arthur), blksmiths 528 12th.
ARTHUR RICHARD G, GENERAL Manager Douglas Traction & Light Co and Douglas Investment Co.
Arthur Robt W, vet surgeon 528 12th
Avenue Hotel, Jno W Byers propr, 1415 G av.
Axford Mrs Mary, restaurant 1244 G av.
Badger S S, mining eng 1125 G av.
BAKER JAMES H, SEC AND Treas Douglas Lumber Co, Vice Pres Arizona Bank & Trust Co and Mayor.
Balch H W, agt W F & Co Exp.
BANK OF DOUGLAS THE, (Capital and Surplus $100,000), James S Douglas, Pres; Wm H Brophy, (Bisbee, Ariz), Vice Pres; Charles O Ellis, Cashr; Frank H Fisher,
Asst Cashr; Eustice C Piper, Asst Cashr; G av. (See p 144.)
Barbara Constantino, barber 9th nr H av.
Barisic Matt, feed 635 G av.
BASSETT LUMBER CO, C N Bassett, Pres; M C Edwards, Sec and Treas; Albert Stacy Mngr; 1332 G av. (See p 150.)
Bassett & Frist (Chas N Bassett, Saml Frist), fuel 438 llth.
Bauer & Storm (Frank Bauer, Geo Storm), meats 846 G av.
Bell C B, mining.
Benshimol David, lawyer Brophy bldg.
Berthold Geo, livery 435 9th, undertaker G av cor 8th.
Beumler & Parsons (Henry C Beumler, Alf F Parsons), lawyers 1125 G av.
Bisbee-Sonora Development Co, S S Badger, sec; 1125 G av.
Bokan V Y, grocer 500 F av.
Booth Francis C, plumber 1239 G av.
Border Land Auto Co, J H Pettit gen mngr, G av bet 12th and 13th.
Brand J, vet surgeon 529 9th.
Brophy Carriage Co, Jas H McClure mngr, 1222 G av.
Brown Lewis R, dentist Brophy bldg.
Brown Manuel L, photogr 406 8th.
Buchanan Jas G, propr Hotel Watts 8th bet F and G avs.
Business Mens Protective Association, H C Stillman, sec; 830 G av.
Byers Jno W, propr Avenue Hotel.
Cabezud Francisco I, books 360 10th.
Calisher Harry B, clothing 930 G av. dry goods 927 same.
Calumet Hospital The, Fred T Wright phys in charge, 636 10th.
Carver Mrs Martha A, conf 900 15th.
Cary Leon B, dentist First Natl Bk bldg.
Cass & Sames (Geo W Cass and Alb M Sames), lawyers 1103 G av.
Central House, Alb Krischker propr, 418 9th.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & Mines, Edward P Grindell, Sec; Hotel Gadsden bldg.
Cohen Nathan, clothing 917 G av.
Combs J A & Co (J A Combs, Gustavus Bohannon), grocers 761 15th.
Conley Jos, conf 1118 G av.
Cook Frank J, cigars 932 G av.
Copper City Brewing Co, H N Reno, pres and treas; W H Reno, sec; w of E P & S W frt depot.
COPPER QUEEN CONSOLIDATED Mining Co, Stuart W French Gen Mngr, George B Lee Supt, Reduction Works General. Offices and Reduction Works Douglas, Mines at Bisbee. (See p 152.)
Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co and E P & S W R R Dispensary, Drs L J Tuttle and H S McGee in charge, 745 9th.
COPPER QUEEN LIBRARY, MISS Kate A Goodrich Librarian, F cor 10th.
Cuesta Manuel, Mexican consul First Natl Bk bldg.
Cupp Jesse B, propr St James Hotel 1103 G av.
Curry & Co (Jos E and Avery G Curry), dry goods 1005 G av.
Cuthbert H T & Co (Hugh T Cuthbert), accountants First Natl Bk bldg.
Danihy Dennis J, harnessmkr 1130 G av.
Darling D N, contr 718 F av.
DICUS M F CO, MILTON F DICUS, Pres and Mngr; General Contractors in Plumbing, Heating, Water Works and Sewers, Ranch and Mine Supplies 544-560 10th. (See p 145.)
Dime Theatre, 536 10th.
DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO, FRED W Nichols, Pres; Harry De Ford, Sec; James Logie Gen Mngr; Pubs Douglas Daily Dispatch and Job Printers 530 llth.
Dixon J G, contr 1165 8th.
Dixon Wm S, real est 919 G av.
Domancich Jos, shoemkr 429 10th.
Donohoe Michael F, real est First Natl Bk bldg.
DOUGLAS DAILY DISPATCH, Dispatch Publishing Co Proprs, 530 llth.
Douglas Daily International, International Publishing Co pubs, 537 12th.
Douglas Gas Corporation, F E Murphy mngr, 717 G av.
Douglas Grocery Co, R S George pres, 814-816 G av.
Douglas Hardware Co, W H Fisher, pres; W de H Washington, sec and treas; 937 G av.
Douglas Industrial, G G Lelevier pub 356 10th.
DOUGLAS INVESTMENT CO, James S Douglas, Pres; Samuel P Applewhite, Sec;
E R Pirtle, Treas; Richard G Arthur, Gen Mngr; 547 10th. (See pp 146 and 148.)
DOUGLAS JAMES S, PRES BANK of Douglas and Douglas Traction & Light Co and Mining Brophy bldg.
DOUGLAS LUMBER CO THE, James B Herndon, (Albuquerque N M), Pres; Charles H Harbison, (Fort Scott Kans), Vice Pres; James H Baker, Sec and Treas; Lumber, Sash and Doors, Moulding, Lath, Corrugated Iron, Rubber Roofing Railroad av cor 6th. (See p 149.)
Douglas Market Co, Geo W Turvey mngr, meats 810 G av.
Douglas Steam Laundry, Chas A Lamb lessee, 616 17th.
DOUGLAS TRACTION & LIGHT CO, James S Douglas, Pres; Samuel P Applewhite, Sec; E R Pirtle, Treas; Richard G Arthur, Gen Mngr; Owners Street Railway,
Electric Light Plant and Ice Plant 547 10th. (See p 148.)
Douglas Undertaking Co, Alf A Ferguson mngr, 526 llth.
Downs Lawson W, dentist Meguire bldg.
Downs M Lafayette, oculist Brophy bldg.
Dugan Horace E, real est 514 10th.
East Jas H, saloon 1110 G av.
El Paso & Southwestern Railroad, W W Windham agt.
Erickson & Howe (Jno G Erickson, Chas H Howe), jewelers 1025 G av.
Faust Mrs Mary A, tailor 425 10th.
Finney Jas A, 2d hand goods 402 and 525 10th.
Finnigan-Brown Co, Wm C Jack mngr, hides w of E P & S W frt depot.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Douglas (Capital $100,000), Burdett A Packard, Pres; L W Powell, Vice Pres; Elbridge W Graves, Cashr; Wright W Lawhon, Asst Cashr; G av cor 10th.
FLEISCHER GERTRUDE B, Ladies and Childrens Ready-to-Wear Apparel and Millinery 1055 G av. (See p 147.)
Flickinger Arthur W real est 1019 G av.
Francis Chas T, barber 1120 G av.
French Robt N, lawyer 827 G av.
FRENCH STUART W, GEN MNGR Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co.
Fulwiler Jno D, mach 820 G av.
Gabriel Wm R, mer tailor 512 10th.
Garcia G G, barber 440 9th.
Gerstenkorn Henry A, clothes clnr 535 llth.
Graham Jas S, saloon 838 G av.
Graham O D, dyer 910 F av.
GRAVES ELBRIDGE. W, CASHR First National Bank.
Greenberg Saml, clothing 828 G av.
GREENE WM A, PHYSICIAN University of City of New York 1895, Interne Bellevue Hospital, Brophy bldg.
Greenidge Saml N, mining eng First Natl Bk bldg.
GRINDELL EDWARD P, SEC Chamber of Commerce & Mines Hotel Gadsden bldg.
Grove Birt B, saloon 419 10th.
Hadden C M, propr Queen Hotel 12th cor H av.
Hamilton Jas M, restaurant 446 10th.
Hammack Earl D, barber 1021 G av.
Hansen H B, photogr 1040 F av.
Harrell & Ballard (Robt J Harrell, Frank Ballard), contrs 624 13th.
Hatcher Wm H, florist 531 D.
Henry Wm R, automobiles 1107 G av.
Hernandez F, tailor 515 9th.
Herr Ernest D, barber 938 G av.
Hiatt Bros (Edwin Z and Roy V), grocers 846 G av.
Hills Herman A, grocer 500 15th.
Hinton Jno, painter 531 10th.
Hoffmann Anth, baker 1121 G av.
Holmes Wm W, barber 431 10th.
HOTEL GADSDEN, G av cor llth. (See p 146.)
Hotel Roy & Cafe, W W Stovall propr, 433 10th.
Hotel Stanley, 352 10th.
Hotel Watts, Jas G Buchanan propr, 8th bet F and G avs.
Hotel Windsor, Mrs Flora J Richardson propr, 358 10th.
Horn Chris, baker 1116 G av.
Houle Arthur, mining eng First Natl Bk bldg.
Hughes Hils H, restaurant 1044 H av.
Hunandez Jesus Q, barber 351 10th.
Huxtable & Hammill (E J Huxtable, O O Hammill), drugs.
Ilitzky Isadore, notions 815 G av.
International Hotel, Mrs Emma G Miller propr, 8th cor H.
International Laundry & Coal Co (Chas A Nichols, Thomas E Pollock), 1028 F av.
International Publishing Co, G H Kelly, pres; C E Bull, sec and treas; pubs
Douglas Daily International 537 12th.
Jones & Ezell (Jos J Jones, Wm R Ezell), grocers G av cor llth.
Kent Jno T, door stop mnfr 1211 F av.
Kline Jos, dry goods G av cor 9th.
Krischker Alb, propr Central House 418 9th.
Lamadrid Alejo G, barber 824 H.
Lamb Chas A, lessee Douglas Steam Laundry 616 17th.
LEE GEORGE B, SUPT REDUCTION Works Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co.
Lee & O'Neill (Jas Lee, Wm O'Neill), saloon 922 G av.
Leggett Jasper, propr Airdome Theater.
Lelevier Gustavus G, pub Douglas Industrial 356 10th.
Lenord Piano & Music Co, George L Lenord mngr, 530 10th.
LEON J COTA, VICE PRES Nacozari Consolidated Copper Co.
Levy Bros (Jacob and Benj), gen store 908 G av.
Little Mary Mining Co, Z T Phillips sec, 1019 G av.
Lockhart Louis, restaurant 1017 G av.
Lockwood Alf C, lawyer Meguire bldg.
LOGIE JAMES, GEN MNGR Dispatch Publishing Co.
Lynch Jno, brick mnfr 1 mile w of city limits.
McCartney Levi D, 2nd hand goods 1134 G av.
McClendon R C, barber.
McCorkle Robt L, stationery 409 10th.
McGee Harry S, phys 745 9th.
McLellan Bros (J Ellis and Myron F), taxidermists 912 F av.
McPhee Mrs S A, propr Woodard Hotel 451 9th.
Maddux Mrs Lena H, propr Texas Hotel 403 9th.
Margosin Phil, clothing 825 G av.
Massey's Reversible Turbine Engine Co, H A Huddleston, pres; S S Badger, sec; First Natl Bank bldg.
May Mrs Emily, tailor 832 G av.
May Jos, ins 832 G av.
Meadows Feland L, drugs 1101 G av.
Melvin Wilbur S, painter 1108 G av.
Milich Frank A, hay 1023 F av.
Miller Mrs Emma G, propr International Hotel 8th cor H.
Miller Jno A, 2d hand goods 1236 G av.
Miller Roy, blksmith 1301 G av.
Model Clothing Co, Edw Walters mngr.
Mohr Mrs Annette M, dressmkr 1407 G av.
Mohr Jno, whol grocer 339 10th.
Moore Saml, photogr 713 G av.
MURCHISON ALONZO B, PROPR Murchison Transfer Co Railroad av cor 10th. (See adv.)
MURCHISON TRANSFER CO, Alonzo B Murchison Propr, Railroad av cor 10th. (See adv.)
Murphy Geo L, restaurant 363 9th.
NACOZARI CONSOLIDATED Copper Co, John G Alexander, Pres; J Cota Leon, Vice Pres;
Carl B Joplin, Sec and Treas; Property joins The Pilares Mine Moctezuma District, Sonora, Mexico, Main Office 1103 G av. (See p 151.)
Nackord K J, grocer 355 7th.
Nanney Bros (Jas U, Audie D and Nunan J), brokers 1008 H av.
Neer Oliver L, mining First Natl Bk bldg.
Noble Hiram L, lawyer First Natl Bk bldg.
Norton Benj N, civil eng 412 10th.
Norton J C, conf 1015 G av.
O'REILLY J P & CO (JAMES P O'Reilly, Peter J Gearin), Building Contractors 914 F av. (See p 145.)
Orpheum Theatre, G av bet 8th and 9th.
Parker Volney R, restaurant 909 G av.
Parsons C D, contr 643 13th.
Patterson Mrs Lucy A, conf 1100 G av.
Pawnee Mining Co, A A Ferguson sec.
Pecolatte Bros (Lawrence, Frank and Modest), saloon 401 9th.
Perkins & Carras (Edw L Perkins, Jas Carras), conf 409 10th.
Pesquiera Roberto V, broker P O bldg.
Phelps-Dodge Mercantile Co, Henry A Strodthoff mngr, gen store G av cor 10th.
PIRTLE E R, TREAS DOUGLAS Traction & Light Co and Douglas Investment Co.
Pirtle E R Co, Elmo R Pirtle pres, real est Hotel Gadsden bldg.
Presley Mrs Margaret T, propr Southern Hotel.
Pullman Bar, Wm Heinze mngr, 932 G av.
Queen Hotel, C M Hadden propr, 12th cor H av.
Randall Frank W, phys 529 10th.
REAY & JOHNSON (WM J REAY, Harvey H Johnson), Livery and Transfer 1202 G av cor 12th. (See p 147.)
Reiffel Chas V, restaurant 427 10th, baker 405 9th.
Redpath & McGregor (Chas H Redpath, A Grant McGregor), architects Brophy bldg.
Richardson Mrs Flora J, propr Hotel Windsor 358 10th.
Richardson & Doan (David A Richardson, Frank W Doan), lawyers First Natl Bk bldg.
Ritchie Geo B, painter 711 G av.
Rohana Moses, grocer 9th cor H av.
Romadka Chas A, mining First Natl Bk bldg.
Rosenstein & Zeh (L Rosenstein and Albert E Zeh), pawnbrokers 933 G av.
Ross Jno F, lawyer 830 G av.
Ross 0 M & Co (Oliver M Ross, Harry Smith), blksmiths 537 9th.
Ryan & Merck (John E Ryan, Bert Merck), billiards 423 10th.
St James Hotel, Jesse B Cupp propr, 1103 G av.
Salem Abdul, grocer 363 10th.
Salim Rafael, grocer 347 7th.
Sames Alb M, U S Commissioner 1103 G av.
Scott C R & Co (Charles R Scott), clothing First Natl Bk bldg
Scott H H, contr 915 8th.
Schwamm Wm E, grocer 425 9th and 441 10th.
Schwantes & Walling (Henry C Schwantes, Alley L Walling), bowling alley 1033 G av.
Seaman & Perry (Chas M Seaman, David L Perry j, hardware 924 G av.
Seamans & Johnston (Andrew J Sea-mans, Will D Johnston), barbers 411 10th.
Seamans & Smith (Andrew J Seamans, Perry R Smith), billiards 411 10th.
Shaya Michael (Est of), gen store G av cor 13th.
Silverman Louis, clothing 842 G av.
Simon Elias, grocer 360 7th.
Singer Sewing Machine Co, Jos H Rountree mngr, 829 G av.
Skiles & Co.(Chas B Mitchell, Herbert E Grover, Leslie A Skiles), real est 532 10th.
Sloan Fred, saloon 1017 G av.
Smith W E Co, tailors 921 G av.
Solman Herbert, meats 801 15th.
Southern Hotel, Mrs Margaret T Presley propr, 1135 G av.
Speed Jas B, real est 524 10th.
Speer Jno R, saloon 936 G av and 413 10th.
Speer L L & J E (Lewis L and Jos E), saloon 802 G av.
Standard Oil Co, w of E P & S W frt depot.
Stephenson Bruce, lawyer 827 G av.
Stewart Eugene L, cigars Hotel Gadsden.
Stocker & Hotchkiss (Frank Stocker, Henry H Hotchkiss), automobiles Brophy bldg.
Stovall Walter W, propr Hotel Roy & Cafe 433 10th.
Tadlock R Hayes, contr 920 10th.
Taylor Alvin J, novelties 822 G av.
Taylor C A, real est 413 7th.
Taylor Floye, stenogr 1103 G av.
Texas Co The, Thos C Davies agt, oil Railroad av cor 7th.
Texas Hotel, Mrs Lena H Maddux propr, 403 9th.
Torpey Michael F, contr 823 12th.
Tuttle Lynn J, phys 745 9th.
U S Immigration Service, Frank W Heath insptr in charge.
Valentine Geo C, cigars 838 G av.
Vanneman A W, phys Meguire bldg.
Vaughan Jas H, fuel 526 7th.
Vazquez Liborio, grocer 551 10th.
Vinnie M S, dry goods 806 G av.
Wamel Wm J, grocer 1117 G av.
Warren Arthur E, jeweler 905 G av.
Waterman Jos, saloon 1419 G av.
Welcome Warren W, shoemkr 510 10th.
Western Union Telegraph Co, M Grace Madden mngr, First Natl Bk bldg.
Woodard Hotel, Mrs S A McPhee propr, 451 9th.
WORTHINGTON WM H, MINING Engineer and Assayer. (See p 150.)
Wright Alcinous Y, lawyer First Natl Bk bldg.
Wright Fred T, phys 636 10th.
Young Mens Christian Association, Saml Warr gen sec, ft 10th.
Zeitlin Max G, notions 918 G av.
Ziede Jos, grocer 402 7th.
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Joy Fisher 2005
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Coordinator - Jean Walker
State Coordinator: Colleen Pustola
Asst. State Coordinators: Shannon Lanning and MD Monk
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